Thursday, October 18, 2012

Abusing the Establishment Clause in the case of the Christian cheerleaders

Mr. Michael Stone, The National Humanist Examiner, has written an update to the story of the Texas cheerleaders who write Scripture on the banners that their high school players run through before a game. Due in part to complaints from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, the cheerleaders were forced to stop this practice. They have since filed a lawsuit to get the right to display the banners reinstated.

In a sparkling display of anti-Christian spin and following the axiom ‘if-repeated-enough-times-a-lie-begins-to-sound-like-the-truth’, Mr. Stone attempts to posit the view that the cheerleaders were not only engaged in offensive activity, but they are also violating the Constitution. He writes, “In essence, the cheerleaders want to promote Christianity at public school events by holding Christian prayer banners for football players to run through while entering the stadium. Yet many find the prayer banners offensive, and many believe the activity constitutes an assault on the US Constitution.”

What Mr. Stone, and those sharing his view, is really saying is this, “The Freedom from Religion Foundation, which not only rejects God themselves but tries to force everyone else to, finds the cheerleader’s actions offensive. And they believe that you should believe they know what they are talking about when they say that they believe this is an ‘assault on the US Constitution.” Confused…they hope so.

When will those who keep bringing up the Constitution, and the establishment clause, actually learn what it says? Instead, they merely interpret it the way they want it to read and then carry on as if that were actually what it means. This is not how reality works. Mr. Stone writes, “Many legal scholars and other observers believe the banners, because they are displayed in a context implying school endorsement, violate the establishment clause contained in the First Amendment to the US Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."”
There are at least two issue here: (1) Congress is not involved in this issue at all, let alone making a law pertaining to it, and (2) once again, the second half of this Constitutional phrase (the Free Exercise clause, which reads “…or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”) has been conveniently ignored. This is a common tactic of the disingenuous; to cherry pick phrases that they can use against opponents while conveniently leaving out those phrases which go against their claims. Using the Constitution in this manner is a deception, a lie. The establishment clause was created to limit government’s power, not to increase it. Atheists, agnostics, and any others who reject God, are attempting to use something that was meant to increase our freedom as their personal muzzle for anyone who disagrees with them.
Those who object so vocally to any and every expression of religion are not merely rejecting those who are doing the expressing, they are rejecting the God who created them and Who is worthy of their worship. Sadly, they try to convince others to rebel against God also. Jesus told His disciples to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV).
Christians must not let the deceptive tactics of the godless in our world deter us from this mission.

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